Make Your Pledge for Inclusion

Be a teammate. Be a friend. Welcome someone who has been left out. Sit next to someone alone at lunch. Say hello to someone in the hallway. There are so many ways to spread inclusion. Choose yours. Make a pledge and start today. Join us to make inclusion a reality for all people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities. Make your pledge below.
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Pledge to Spread Inclusion
Tell us how you plan to build a more inclusive community.
Example Pledges
02.08.19I pledge to overcome all differences, discriminations, and disABILITIES over all the country #Lebanon! Through the power of inclusion. I #PledgeToInclude.Ibrahim Fadel | Beirut, Lebanon
02.14.19I pledge to lead a life of love and compassion- always looking out for those around me and advocating for the inclusion of all people.Samantha Cook | Columbus, Ohio
02.14.19I pledge to spread inclusion by eliminating discrimination, stereotype through celebrating differences and promoting awareness about the great talents of people with all abilities.Mohamed Houssam | Giza, Egypt